Let Our Mesothelioma Personal Injury Lawyers Be Your Rock

Image of a doctor with a stethoscope and medical tools, symbolizing the need for mesothelioma personal injury lawyers for those diagnosed with mesothelioma after asbestos exposure.

When you received your diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma, you probably experienced a range of emotions within a very short time. Shock, denial, fear, and anger are all normal emotions after such a diagnosis, but it’s important to focus on the positive emotions—determination, love, and hope. Find your focus when you hire Nemeroff Law Firm’s experienced mesothelioma personal injury lawyers.

Our Mesothelioma Personal Injury Lawyers Believe in Justice

In addition to treatment options, you have the option to seek compensation for the asbestos exposure that caused your body to develop this type of devastating cancer. Our mesothelioma personal injury attorneys can help you and your family do just that.

Understanding Mesothelioma

Mesothelioma begins in the lining of your body cavities, which is called the mesothelium. In most cases, the cancer affects the lining of the abdomen or the chest. Cells begin to duplicate rapidly, creating tumors and affecting the normal function of the body. The cancer can prevent the inner lining from making the essential lubricant your organs need to work smoothly in close proximity.

Considering the Risk Factors for Mesothelioma

According to research, the biggest risk factor for mesothelioma is exposure to asbestos. In past decades, asbestos was widely used in a variety of products due to its strength and heat resistance. Flooring, brakes, shingles, insulation, and many other products contained asbestos until the medical community realized the danger and the government banned many asbestos products. There are now strict rules for handling old materials that contain asbestos fibers.

Unfortunately, companies do not always take proper care for the health of their employees. If you were regularly exposed to asbestos during the course of your work without adequate information or protection, you may have grounds for a lawsuit if you now have cancer as a result.

Another potential cause of mesothelioma is radiation. You may have been exposed to chemicals or other forms of radiation in your workplace, and now you are suffering the consequences of someone else’s negligence. You need the best mesothelioma personal injury attorney to ensure that some measure of justice is done for you and your family.

Meeting with Mesothelioma Personal Injury Lawyers

Once you have found a team of mesothelioma personal injury attorneys whose credentials and experience appeal to you, schedule your first meeting as soon as possible. Due to the aggressive nature of cancer and legal time limits for claims, it’s always advisable to act quickly.

Your mesothelioma personal injury lawyer will ask you to locate certain documents and information that could help with your case. Remember to bring those with you to the first meeting along with a list of questions you want to ask.

Your Mesothelioma Personal Injury Lawyers and Legal Claims

The severity of your case and your prognosis may impact the type of lawsuit you file and the amount you will receive as compensation for your personal injury. If you’re unsure what type of mesothelioma you have, ask your doctor to clarify that for you.

Your mesothelioma personal injury attorney will work closely with you and your doctor to obtain all the medical information necessary to file and handle your claim. You may be able to get compensation for your pain and suffering as well as assistance with medical bills and treatment costs.

However, there is a time frame within which your claim must be filed. Don’t delay. Talk to qualified mesothelioma personal injury lawyers as soon as possible to get the process started. The attorneys at the Nemeroff Law Firm have dedicated their careers to serving families affected by asbestos. We are dedicated to helping you pursue compensation in a way that puts as little effort or stress as possible on you during this difficult time. Contact us today at 866-342-1929 or by email.

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